Lifestyle with Prosperity 

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Brett Percival

Hi I’m Brett, and I am fortunate to partner with a company that embodies the development of an individual’s potential through the application of Personal Development and leadership together with Business Support.

A little bit about me …. I’m a Kiwi (New Zealander) with a rural upbringing. I moved around with my career, working successfully for New Zealand’s biggest “farmer”. I enjoyed the challenges and was head-hunted to Head Office in Wellington. I worked in the Corporate, Health and Public sectors over many years, becoming a successful middle manager before heading into consultancy.

We now live on the beautiful Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington, New Zealand.









Our products have directly impacted well over 100,000 customers in 132 countries around the world and counting!

Over 127,000 lives impacted

A proven track record

This business system was developed over 10 years ago & embodies a global community of like minded men and women who are passionate about assisting individuals with the teachings of our proven business system and Personal Growth principles. 

15 yrs in Multi Level Marketing ended in me being disillusioned with the ratio of payback to time invested. I returned to a waged job but felt unfulfilled and hated the restrictions of set hours and being on a limited wage.  I'm very grateful to have found this opportunity. I get to work the hours that suit me and it still astounds me that I've earned more in a single month working this business than I did in a whole year working in a job. I love what I do now with my unique, exciting lifestyle business. It's fun, flexible & hugely rewarding.

Rebecca Kirner,

"As previous business owners in the Oil and Gas industry, my husband and I  found ourselves slaves to corporate interests and project schedules - often sacrificing what we valued most to stay ahead.  We came across this business and 3 months later left the industry for good.  We are finally in control of our time and have the flexibility to travel and spend time with family and friends while generating a lucrative income.  Life is good."

Dave & Cathy Moore, 

Sight seeing on the launch - making the most of time flexibilty.

A spot of site seeing in Sydney after the Super Saturday. It's all about perspective.

Canoeing - A great way to have some fun.


+61 7 3040 1563

+64 4 889 2663


What brought me here?
I’ve continued to embrace change, however, after many years of working in the corporate and public sector, climbing "the ladder", with its daily commute, long hours & stresses, while raising a family, I found I was no longer enjoying the constant pressure, reduced financial incentives and as a manager the “always on call” environment. There must be a way to earn a living and also enjoying life while I was still physically mobile and able to travel.
My wife and I were looking for something where we could earn a living while working from home.

We wanted work-life balance and freedom from the constraints of an office 
But where do you find a job for an experienced worker that gives you this as you move closer to "retirement". Cheryl found this lucrative online business which we could work at our own pace, from anywhere. I was, at first, skeptical having previously been involved with MLM.



"Embrace the Future Business with the Flexibility to work Anywhere”

Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved and other such important stuff.

+1 315 314 3019

+44 33 3303 4140

Make your choice to direct your Future. 

I’m passionate about being able to assist people reach their full potential with the freedom to choose their own path in life. 

I work with strong and competent men and women from all over the world and currently have a focus to expand. Perhaps you have landed here because you’re looking for a way to increase your earning potential while working from home. If you are a positive, productive person, hungry for change and have at least a couple of hours a day to devote to a new venture, pop your details into the form

The difference between a dream and reality is ACTION. Looking to unlock your true talents and be rewarded for your time and effort. Work at your own pace and own time. Then pop your details into the form.

I’ll give you a call and we’ll have an initial discussion just to see if we have the potential of working together.

We found Personal Development mentors and Support that were second to none
I found an extremely supportive international network, second to none business support as well as a proven system of operation. I could see that virtually anyone could succeed as long as they put the effort in.

Flexibility and Lifestyle balance 
I got started as I could see a way of replacing my 6 figure salary. Our business allows us the flexibility to explore the world, enjoy our lifestyle block and connect with friends and family around the world, in our own time while running our business.

Back in the saddle! Off for a couple of days trekking through the Canadian Rockies.